Minutes Supervisors

Board of Supervisors Budget Meeting Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A budget meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Sadsbury Township was conducted on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 commencing at 9:00 a.m.  Chairman, Dave Reynolds called the meeting to order.  Present was Supervisor John Moore and Earl Taylor Via telephone.  Township CPA, Chris Herr and Daniel Niehls were also present and members of the community.

A moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance was observed.

Ms. Russell, Township Treasurer went over the budget items and feels it is where we should be.

The police will be on a new payroll system which will make it easier to track work hours and overtime.  The system is called Planet Schedule and will need a new line item on the budget.  The police would like to hire 2 full-time additional officers but only 1 is reflected in the budget.  With the officer replacing Chief Ranck on his retirement, the Township will be losing a part-time officer, so part-time hours will decrease.  The officers will receive a 4% raise across the board. The office staff will also receive a 4% raise in wages for the 2020 year.

Mr. Taylor would like to place an order for a dump truck for $150,000, to be delivered in 2021. The truck would take 14 to 16 months to be delivered after the order is placed.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to approve the purchase of a 2020 Freighlliner Dump Truck for $150,000.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Taylor wanted to know if the money held by Arcadia for the Public Works garage could be used for Engineer fees.  Mr. Reynolds stated the $171,000 from Arcadia allows for some Engineering fees.  The Board is still looking around for properties for the Township garage.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to advertise the budget is available at the Township Building for inspection for adoption at the December 3, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to approve Gilbertson Group to do security renovations to the Township Building and the Police Department.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

With there being no further business, Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Moore, to adjourn the budget meeting.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Shank