Minutes Planning

Sadsbury Township Planning Commission, October 9, 2019

A meeting of the Sadsbury Township Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 in the Sadsbury Township Municipal Building.

Present: Ms. Jane Heineman, Mr. Timothy Sarbaum, Mr. John Lymberis, Mr. Simon Jessey, and Mr. Ronald Yen.

Absent: Supervisor Liaison Mr. John Moore.

Ms. Heineman called the meeting to order at 7:08pm, followed by a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Lymberis made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sarbaum, to approve and adopt the minutes of the meeting held on September 11, 2019. With no amendments or questions, the motion passed unanimously.

Sadsbury Square

Mr. Randy White for Sadsbury Associates, appeared before the Commission seeking a recommendation for Preliminary/Final Land Development Approval. He was accompanied Mr. Andrew Defonzo, P.E., of D.L. Howell & Associates.

Mr. White presented an updated plan incorporating changes recommended by the Township Engineer and by the Planning Commission. He further explained that Carol Menke, the Township’s landscaping consultant, had a number of concerns about the landscaping plan as presented. Chief among these was a concern that street trees should be 50 feet apart, rather than the 20 feet proposed. Mr. White said Sadsbury Associates would be happy to comply with this recommendation, but members of the Planning Commission pointed out this would reduce the number of trees to well below the level demanded by the relevant ordinance, even with the planting waivers that had already been obtained. There was also a concern about some of the existing mature trees in the buffer with the adjacent Sadsbury Village might have to be removed. Member of the public Ms. Courtney Sarbaum, a resident of the adjacent Sadsbury Village, expressed concern that the reduction of the number of trees would have a corresponding reduction in the screening of the parking lot and its lighting, and that the loss of mature trees would be unacceptable. A suggestion was made that a reduction in street trees could by partially offset by the placement of some shade trees in an appropriate area in the active open space, and that other trees could be added to augment the riparian buffer in the passive open space.

Mr. Lymberis had to leave at 8:00pm due to a prior engagement.

Discussion on these issues continued. Ms. Heineman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Jessey, to recommend Preliminary/Final Land Approval to the Board of Supervisors for the proposed development with the following conditions:

  • Compliance with the October 9, 2019 review letter from Township engineer Jamie MacCombie.  Contingent on a revised landscaping plan being worked out with Ms. Menke and reviewed by Mr. MacCombie.
  • Contingent on this revised and reviewed landscaping plan being presented to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 so that, with the assistance of members of the Planning Commission, a decision on approval could be made.

With no amendments or questions, the motion passed with Mr. Sarbaum voting against.

Sadsburyville Fire Company

The Planning Commission was unable to deliberate or offer an opinion on the proposed Sadsburyville Fire Company addition because no representatives appeared before the Commission to present the plan and respond to questions. The Commission would like the opportunity to weigh in on this proposal, because members had some concerns after looking over the preliminary plan. The Commission would like a larger copy of the plan to review, as the printed material was hard to read.


Sadsbury Commons

Ms. Heineman announced she had written to Mr. Daniel Hudson of Evans Mill Environmental to inform him that the Planning Commission had reviewed Sadsbury Commons Final Phase 2 and Preliminary Phase 3 plans (as revised through 03/15/2019), with respect to the Western Sewer District Planning Module, on 05/15/2019, stating the Commission recommended approval of the plans with no additional comments.

Stormwater Ordinance Amendment

The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment to the Township’s Stormwater Ordinance. The Commission expressed concern with the following language:

“the High Tunnel is located at least 35 feet from any perennial stream or watercourse, public road, or neighboring property line and located on land with a slope not greater than 7%”

The Commission does not recommend approval based on this language.

With there being no further announcements or public comment, Ms. Heineman made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sarbaum, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05pm. With there being no further questions, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Simon Jessey