Minutes Planning

Sadsbury Township Planning Commission – December 9, 2020

A meeting of the Sadsbury Township Planning Commission was held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 in the township building.

Present: Mr John Lymberis, Ms. Jane Heineman, Mr. Simon Jessey, Ms. Amanda Stewart, Mr. Jeremy Alcorn, Mr. John Ettore.

Absent: Supervisor Liaison Mr. John Moore.

Mr. Lymberis called the meeting to order at 7:00pm, followed by a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Jessey asked everyone present if they had any objection to him to making an audio recording of the meeting to assist in the minute-taking process, and none objected.

Mr. Lymberis made a motion, seconded by Mr. Alcorn, to approve and adopt the minutes for the meeting held on November 18. With no additional amendments or questions, the motion passed unanimously.

Sadsbury Park Phases 2B and 4B

Mr. Eric Carlson of Arcadia Land Company appeared before the Commission to seek its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for Final Plan Approval for amendments to Phases 2B and 4B of the Sadsbury Park community. Mr. Carlson presented an overview of the of amendments to the phases that did not differ substantially from what he presented to the Commission during the October 14 meeting.

Phase 4B consists of 9 Single Family Detached (SFD) homes, increased from the 7 on the original plan. Phase 2B consists of 87 Single Family Attached (SFA) homes and 1 Single Family Detached (SFD) home, changed from the 42 SFAs and 18 SFDs. Mr. Carlson had made slight adjustments based on recommendations made by the Commission in October, including making the proposed cluster walkways into individual walkways. Mr. Carlson also detailed some landscaping changes that would enhance the look of the SFAs and help screen them from the lone SFD. The Commission asked questions about the outward appearance of the SFAs, including whether or not they would have shutters and how the color palette was decided. A recommendation from the Chester County Planning Commission concerning a walking trail to Township property adjacent to Buck Run is already satisfied by an as-yet uninstalled trail leading to the Octorara Glen community.

Mr. Lymberis made a motion, seconded by Ms. Stewart, to recommend approval to the Board of Supervisors of the Final Plan as amended, subject to compliance of the letter from the township engineer dated December 8, 2020 and including 2 additional exhibits detailing enhancements to the proposed landscaping. The motion passed 5 to 0, with Mr. Jessey choosing to abstain because of his position on the Sadsbury Park Community Association.

Announcements, Correspondence and Public Comment

Members of the Commission gave an overview of their November 24 tour of the John Rock facility to Ms. Heineman, who was unable to attend. All members of the Planning Commission received a copy of the latest draft of the update to the Zoning Ordinance. Member of the public Mr. David McCoy spoke about his wish for the Township to make all ordinances accessible online, with broad agreement from the Commission.

With there being no further announcements or public comment, Mr. Lymberis made a motion, seconded by Ms. Heineman, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00pm. With there being no further questions, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Simon Jessey