Minutes Supervisors

Board of Supervisors Budget Meeting, Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A budget meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 commencing at 9:00 a.m.  Chairman Reynolds called the meeting to order.  Present was Supervisor Mr. Taylor on the telephone.  Supervisor, Mr. Moore was absent.  Also present were Township Accountants Chris Herr and Daniel Niels, Township Treasurer, Tammy Russell. Chief Hawley,  and members of the community.

Each department was asked what they need for the year 2024.  The Public Works Department would like auto greaser for two trucks.  $10,000 to rent a road-side mower and a power washer.  They will check with Mr. O’Keefe about the agreement with Sadsbury Park for plowing.  Chief Hawley stated 80% of the roads have not been dedicated to the Township as of yet.

The Codes Department would like the amount in the budget increased for training.  Also, the building construction is at a standstill.  Mr. Reynolds stated if he can find anyone to finish the construction, to get them to do the job.  The Codes Department needs a new car.  The old car needs a new transmission.  Mr. Kowalski can get a car through CoStars for $38,498.00 and $1,300 for extras. (Lights and Township logo).  This car will be bought out of the ARPA money.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to purchase a vehicle for Codes Department from New Holland Ford being a 2023 Ford Edge 4wheel drive for

$38, 498.00 through the CoStars program.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”,  the motion passed.

Ms. Russell stated the electrical inspections are extremely high when Mr. Kowalski is on vacation.  Mr. Kowalski is working on getting his Electrical Inspection License.  He also stated that with the Sadsbury Commons moving along, the permit fees will increase.

Ms. Russell stated our IT person Marc Meshurle, has been looking into cyber security protection.  Micro Soft also needs to be upgraded.  Mr. Meshurle will go to a monthly billing for all services instead of billing per service performed.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to approve Kato Tech to monitor for Cyber threats for $1,705.00 and also update Microsoft.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed.

The Administration Department has a brand new copier, but 1 is needed for the police and 1 for the Public Works Department.  Ms. Russell will get quotes from Stratix for copiers and service contracts for both.  The admin department would also like to have an additional storage unit as the first one is full.

The Police Department would like to have a Watchguard Cloud Storage System for $7,600.  Mr. Reynolds stated it would be discussed for approval at the Board of Supervisors meeting in October.  Sergeant Imhoff stated the Intoxilator would need calibrated for accuracy on the wet bath simulator at $5,000.

Chris Herr stated there would be $45,000 left in the ARPA funds.  The police will order a new vehicle for late 2024.

Chris Herr stated the budget is starting to look  good.

With there being no further business, Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to adjourn the meeting.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Shank,