Minutes Supervisors

Board of Supervisors Budget Meeting, Wednesday October 6, 2021

A budget meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Sadsbury Township was conducted on Wednesday, October 6,2021 commencing at 9:00 a.m.  Chairman, Dave Reynolds called the meeting to order.  Present was Supervisor Mr. Moore and Mr. Taylor via telephone.  Also present was Tammy Russell, Treasurer and Dan Niehls and Chris Herr, Accountants, Amy Beaudoin, Bookkeeper, Dave Simmons, Public Works Foreman, and Todd Bowers, Assistant Public Works Foreman.

A moment of silence and Pledge of Allegiance was observed.

Mr. Niehls stated we stand at $415,000 over budget from the last meeting for the 2022 budget.

Going over the budget through each line item again several items were removed.  The Public Works new truck will be taken off, the Township Manager position will be taken out, the computer for police services, and reduce the budget for building expenses, and in the budget there was a line item for truck maintenance on a truck the Township no longer owns.

The Park budget will leave the $10,000 and charge a registration fee for teams to use the field at Bert Reel Park to off-set some of the cost.

The Police will drop the fees for gun purchases and take out radio/calibrations.  The fire company contribution will be reduced to $60,000 and the police will take out overtime on the overnight shift by using part-time officers.

The yearly trash fee will be kept at $285.00 but there will be no discount.

A few line items were budgeted higher than they needed to be:  education/tuition, copier, SPCA contract, and ambulance contract. Those lines were reduced accordingly.

The Transfer taxes were discussed. $10,000 will be added to the income from this tax.

Mr. Taylor will give his budgeted laptop for Emergency Coordinator to the police department.

Sergeant Imhoff presented the Board with a proposal for an audio video system, which can be paid for from the COVID Relief Fund.  The proposal is for $9,033.07.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to approve the Audio Visual System prepared by Audio Video Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $9,033.07 to be paid from the COVID Relief Fund.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Simmons, Public Works Foreman, stated since there was a squatter living around the Park, he would like to place signs around the park.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Moore, to approve the Public Works Department purchase signs for Bert Reel Park for less than $700.00.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Niehls and Mr. Herr stated the budget is now balanced and there was no raise in taxes this year.  The budget is $2,788,260.00.

Mr. Reynolds stated the budget will be approved at the November Board of Supervisors meeting and will be advertised for 30 days and will be adopted at the December 7th Board of Supervisors meeting.

With there being no further business, Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to adjourn the meeting.  With there being no questions, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Shank