Minutes Special Budget Supervisors

Board of Supervisors Budget Meeting Wednesday November 7, 2018

A budget meeting was conducted by the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 commencing at 9:00 a.m.  Chairman Mr. Reynolds called the meeting to order. Present was Supervisor Mr. Taylor by telephone, Treasurer Ms. Tammy Russell, Mr. Chris Herr, Township Accountant, and members of the public.

Ms. Russell reported there are still no numbers from PMRS. Mr. Herr stated the revised budget shows an increase in salary for the Road Department and an increase in interest from DNB bank.  With the increased interest at $16,000, increase in permits of $63,000 and an increase in taxes at $10,000, this will put the Township in the black.

Mr. Reynolds stated to put $10,000 additional for the fire company.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to give Linda Shank, Secretary a $1.00 merit raise.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed.

Sergeant Imhoff stated the building inspector has been working with the police at 7 Middle Street.  This place is not habitable.  Mr. Reynolds stated that 17 Stove Pipe Hill Road needs addressed also.

The Building inspector will be having office hours in the Township building on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 am to 1 pm.

A letter was received from Keystone Valley that all the equipment must be out of the Martin’s Corner building by December 1, 2018.  Mr. Dave Simmons, Road Foreman, stated he has all the plows except 1 out of the building.

Mr. Reynolds suggested to get a demolition permit to tear the old shed at the Township building down.

Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to demolish the old shed at the old Township Building.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed.

Dave Reynolds said that according to Dale Hensel, past Supervisor, the 2 acres in the Sadsburyville Park area were never deeded to the Township.  The money was given to Sadsburyville Fire Company for the land, but it was not transferred.  Ms. Russell will look into it.

Mr. Reynolds is looking to 2020 for a new salt shed.  Mr. Simmons stated that the Road Department cannot stock pile salt.

Ms. Russell stated the county wants to know who the service provider is for Sadsbury Township for the year 2019.

Ms. Russell wants to know if there are any changes to the budget except for the $10,000 to the fire company.

Mr. Herr thinks the budget looks pretty good except the PMRS figures.  He feels the budget can be advertised for adoption in 30 days.

The Board set a meeting date of December 19, 2018 to adopt the budget.

The Township office will close December 24, 2018 at 12:00 Noon until Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

Ms. Russel stated the Relief Association check must go out in the mail.  Mr. Reynolds asked Mr. Taylor if he wanted Sadsburyville Fire Company to have the whole check or split it.  Mr. Taylor would like to wait until the Board of Supervisors meeting tonight when all the Supervisors are present.

Mr. Reynolds stated he would like to have the Public Works union contract settled by the end of the year.

With there being no further business, Mr. Reynolds made a motion, seconded by Mr. Taylor, to adjourn the meeting.  With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed.

Respectfully Submitted,


Linda Shank,