
Special Budget Work Session, September 21, 2011

The Board of Supervisors conducted a special meeting held on September 21, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.

Chairwomen Ms. Silvernail called the meeting to order, present were Supervisors Ms. Horan and Ms. Sarbaum, Mr. Drozd Township Accounting Consultant, Mr. MacCombie Township Engineer, and members of the community.

Ms. Silvernail made a motion, seconded by Ms. Horan, to waive the moment of silence and pledge of allegiance. With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Silvernail stated the purpose of the meeting is to begin discussions for the 2012 budget process.

Mr. Drozd stated that the General Fund revenues are higher and expenses are lower. Mr. Drozd stated current outstanding debt for trash is approximately $196,000 and $200,000 sanitary sewer. The Board discussed procedures to collect this bad debt. Currently the lien process/sheriff sale is being used. West Brandywine writes citations for all delinquent invoices and it goes before the Magistrate; this has been very successful for them. In the past Sadsbury Township has written citations and taken them before Judge Gill. She stated that she refuses to be the collection agency for Sadsbury Township. The Board suggested a meeting be scheduled with Judge Gill and Mr. Pompo to discuss a possible solution for the Township to use citations. The Board requested that Mr. McClintock Attorney for Lamb, McErlane be present at the next budget meeting to discuss Sheriff Sale procedures. The Board discussed publishing the names of the delinquencies on the web site and newsletter.

Mr. Drozd asked when the re codification was going to be completed. The Board stated that the company came out to the Township and gathered all the information needed. Ms. Myers will call them to get the status.

The Board discussed that the web design will not be done for 2011 and will carry the $4,000 over to 2012.

The Board discussed having the Bert Reel Park and Sadsbury Park ball diamonds graded so that grass doesn’t grow in the fields. Mr. MacCombie stated to grade the Bert Reel Park ball diamond would cost approximately $20,000 and $5,000 for Sadsbury Park.

Mr. Drozd asked if the pad for the salt shed will be completed in 2011. Mr. MacCombie recommended a concrete pad be poured. Ms. Horan asked how urgent the pad is to be done this year. Mr. Bowers stated that under the salt the blacktop is broken up and is creating a lot of rocks in the salt that jam the spreaders and are being thrown out of the spreader that could cause damage.

Mr. Bowers provided that Board with copies of proposals for:

1988 International bumper to frame plow hitch with single cylinder $2,628.00
1988 International Monroe Snow Plow-PenDot swivel bar $10,150.00
2006 Ford F350 Boss Snow Plow $6,854.00
2006 Ford F350 Western Plow $1,600.00

The Board requested that Mr. Bowers itemize truck with equipment for each vehicle along with the costs to maintain each vehicle to help them better understand what exactly each vehicle needs. Mr. Bowers is to present this at the next scheduled budget meeting.

The Board requested that Mr. Bowers get them a cost to have the Township road line painting done and suggested that they paint the stop bars on the roads intersections.

Mr. Bowers requested manhole covers for some of the manholes that are raised in the roadways to prevent the snow plows from hitting them. The Board directed Mr. Bowers get them a list of all effected manholes.

Chief Groce stated in the budget for 2012 he has applied for a 100% refund from the Philadelphia Traffic Camera Grant for (2) mobile speed trailers to cost $15,200 each.

The Board agreed to keep taxes the same. Ms. Silvernail stated that she has been attending the Western District Consolidation Steering Committee meetings. Ms. Silvernail stated that the total money to run a fire district for one year is $715,000. With a population of 9,960 for all 7 participating township’s it would be $72.00 each; per parcel would be $184.00 each. These funds are without building or truck costs included. The Board stated it’s possible for the Township to create a fire tax.

Mr. Drozd stated that the cost of living increase for 2012 is 3.4 %, the police department is under contract to receive 3.5% and the road department is under negations, they will remain the same. The Board asked Mr. Drozd to break down the 3.4% in dollars. The Township has not received the medical insurance policy for 2012 but agreed to leave the $540.00 per employee remain the same.

Old Township Building rental, Brandywine Hospital is still interested in renting the office space. The process of updating the Comprehensive Plan should begin in 2012 and defer into 2013.

The Board discussed scheduling the next budget meeting to be held on October 25, 2011 @ 9am.

Ms. Silvernail made a motion, seconded by Ms. Sarbaum, to schedule a budget work session to be held on October 25, 2011 @ 9 a.m. and authorizes advertisement for said meeting. With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

The Board discussed a noise complaint that came in regarding Black Walnut Winery. The complaint was regarding the music being played outdoors. The Board discussed that the Township has a noise ordinance in place that states no noise over 70 decibels. The Board asked if the police department has received complaints with regards to any noise. Chief Groce answered “no” complaints. The Board stated that the noise Ordinance in place at the Township requires noise metering to determine if a violation of the noise Ordinance is occurring. The Board stated that the Township has received (1) complaint. No action was taken at this time.

With there being no further business, Ms. Silvernail made a motion, seconded by Ms. Sarbaum, to adjourn the meeting. With there being no questions from the public, the Board voting “aye”, the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Myers