Work Zone Safety

In December 2002, PennDOT Act 229 was signed into law to toughen work zone laws in the Commonwealth. The first part of the act went into effect on February 21, 2003, when motorists approaching a work zone or construction area, were required to turn on their headlights. Failure to do so could result in a $25 fine, but only for those pulled over for a primary moving violation.

June 23, 2003 was the day the rest of the law went into effect, and calls for a 15-day driver’s license suspension for motorists who are caught speeding 11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in a work zone. There will be zero tolerance for speeding in an active work zone, and motorists can now be cited for even going one mile over the posted limit. Active work zones are ones in which workers are present. A flashing light mounted on the middle sign will identify these areas. Highway contractors are now required to install speed-monitoring signs on all Interstate work zones with a project cost of $300,000 or more.